DamagedArt by DeandraDanay: Flea Market

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Flea Market

Ok, so I did something out of character at my boss's suggestion. Two weeks ago I had a one on one meeting for a career development group I am in at work. I explained to my boss that I had dreams of being a working artist. She mentioned a big church flea market that was in two weeks. So I  told the doubting Thomas voice in my head to shut up and I went. I only sold one painting, but my prices weren't of your normal flea market variety. Quite a few people walked by and took my card, some were very interested in certain  pieces but explained that they had only brought "flea market" money with them. I was told about another flea market next week that seems to be more for the artist, at least that's what I was told. I told all of the people that they could email me for any more info and I would also send them a link to my blog. A few people from my job were very fond of my stuff, one of my new friends asked me if she took a picture of something could I paint it. Of course my answer is yes! Also another coworker told me that if I didn't sell one piece she wanted to buy it. The painting is above, titled "Through Rose Colored Glasses" is the one my coworker wants to buy. Another good thing that came out of this is that I sort of made friends with two girls at work that I never previously really talked to. I think I may be meeting one for drinks tonight and even if she doesn't feel like it I think I may go and have a drink alone. That is something that I struggled with doing before. So the flea market really was the best thing for me to do.

Regarding the painting above, it symbolizes my new found outlook on life, looking at things through rose colored glasses!

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