DamagedArt by DeandraDanay: Lola and The City

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lola and The City

This is another Lola picture, I think I may do a whole series of Lola paintings. She is my alter ego and I feel I know her quite well.  I listed an old book I had lying around on ebay, I just wanted to see if I could do it beings I do plan on selling my art on there. I am gonna varnish this weekend (which I've never done before) so I can actually list a painting. more about Lola. She is this outgoing, fun-loving, free spirited woman who I think looks a lot like me. She is everything I hope to be someday...and I think I may be on my way to becoming. I have decided that I need to take responsibility for my own happiness and fulfillment in life. I have started taking art classes at Fleisher Art Memorial. It is a weekly class and it is taught by a guy who actually teaches at University of the Arts also. I just entered a basic sketch into the student show and I would like to talk to my instructor about how one would go about getting their paintings displayed in their gallery. I also found a small, family owned local cafe/gallery in my area. I plan to go in there for coffee, look around and talk to the owner about how one would go about getting their work shown there. I just need to network and make some sort of name for myself. Let people know that I am talented and I am here.

Regarding this painting, it really just kind of came to me. I knew I wanted to do a follow up to "Her Name Was Lola" and I also wanted to use bright colors. Red is one of my favorite colors so that was the natural choice for the color of the dress. I wanted Lola to stand out so I made her 3D while the rest is kind of graphic and 2-dimensional.

Anyway...I would love feedback, good or bad. Really! I understand that to be in this business I have to take criticism and learn from my mistakes. I want to know what the art buying public thinks and is interested in.

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